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    Idol Medical woman award
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    Detection of primary cancer of cervix by Pap smear including simple
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    Scholarships are given to rural female medical students
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6351Visitors | [2016-01-25] 

Donate to TMWA Fund.

Bank Account name:
The Thai  Medical  Women’s  Association 
 Under  The  Royal  Patronage  of  Her  Majesty  The  Queen.
Saving account No:
Bank’s Name:   
TMB Bank Public Company Limited.
 (formerly Thai Military Bank)
Branch:  Thart Thong.
Address of Bank:
3000 Phaholyothin Rd Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 
Tel: (66 2) 299-1111 273-7020 Fax: (66 2) 273-7118
Swift Code: TMBKTHB